Past Events Celebrating Cheshire Homes Society of British Columbia 50th Anniversary - A Night of Cheese and Wine Delight! |
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Past Events Wheel Walk Run for Brain Injury Awareness, Saturday June 10th, 2017 at 11AM For 8 years, CHSBC has held an annual event in June, Brain Injury Awareness Month. The “Wheel, Walk, Run for Brain Injury Awareness” will bring ABI survivors, family, friends and community members together for a common goal of spreading awareness about what brain injury is, who it affects, how it affects them and where possible, how to avoid sustaining one. Brain injury is currently a leading cause of death and disability worldwide and in BC alone, there are 22,000 new brain injuries each year. The annual incidence of acquired brain injury in Canada is 44 times more common than spinal cord injuries, 30 times more common than breast cancer, and 400 times more common than HIV/AIDS. In fact, brain injury occurs at a rate greater than that of all known cases of Multiple Sclerosis, Spinal Cord Injury, HIV/AIDS and Breast Cancer per year combined. The far-reaching effects of ABI on our communities is not reflected in the level of funding received. By raising awareness,, CHSBC hopes to improve funding and services available to persons with ABI.